The Bright Side
by David McKinney
Artist Statement
I am fascinated by different artists’ perceptions of the world. I especially enjoy bringing out the comical aspect of the art I love.
My capstone exhibition pays homage to “the greats” of art and infuses it with a humorous twist. Growing up, I was drawn to MAD magazine for the goofy drawings and caricatures, and over the years I developed a deep respect for this light-hearted style. I hope that my images portray the fun energy in the art I make, and that they amuse and inspire others.

"Let's get a little crazy here."
There's almost nothing more relaxing and inspiring to me than watching Bob Ross paint a masterpiece in 30 minutes. Every painting he made gave a glimpse into the happy world of his mind.
-Bob Ross

Da Vinci was an inventor at heart and he was always analyzing deeper than the surface. I wish I could see the world through his eyes.
"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding"
-Leonardo da Vinci

"Are you really sure that a floor can't also be a ceiling?"
"Everything you can imagine is real"
M. C. Escher has one of the most unique styles I've ever known. Each of his pieces is part dreamlike, part genius, and a part reality-defying roller coaster of beauty.
Picasso found a way to break the "rules" of art, and I love that about him. Imagine pioneering a whole new path in how we see the world and each other.
-M. C. Escher
-Pablo Picasso

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere."
Van Gogh is easily one of my favorite artists, for his heart and his art. The Starry Night keeps on inspiring me to this day to appreciate life to the fullest and see the beauty of our world.
-Vincent Van Gogh